Thursday, 27 December 2012


Hi! I'm Sam.

I'm a midwestern girl with a lot of aspirations and ambitions for my life.  I'd like to think of myself as a decent person.  I don't murder, steal, cheat, do drugs, drink, or purposely act nasty towards people.  I have a pretty sarcastic sense of humor that some people tend to take personally (sorry/not sorry), but I promise that I would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings.

I am constantly contradicting myself.  For example, I love fashion.  I love looking and feeling good.  In Italian culture it is a philosophy called la bella figura, which literally means the beautiful figure.  It is a way of life emphasizing a good image from the inside out.  I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to look good and to be honest, anyone who says they don't care what others think of them makes me slightly suspicious of their character.  Really? You don't care at all? Riiiiight.  Here in this blog I plan on sharing my fashion/beauty tips and as many DIY projects that I can.  Hey girl, I'm a poor student and I feel it a duty to share with other poor people how to look like the queen I am on a budget. NEXT.

On to the contradiction.  I study wildlife ecology and I love the outdoors. Nature is where I find solace in this crazy world we live in.  God's green earth is absolutely perfect.  There is balance in all workings of nature.  All living and non-living parts of ecosystems play an important role, and how those roles fit/work together fascinate me.  Notice I said "God's green earth"?  Yes, I'm religious.  My professors and fellow peers in my major have lovingly referred to me as "Sam who's down with Jesus." I'm cool with it.  And yes, I fully believe that science and religion can co-exist.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, colloquially known as the Mormon Church. I have been called an "unconventional" Mormon (I'm not sure exactly what that means but whatev).  I don't surrender to the social oddities and stereotypes that are associated with my religion, and to be honest I think that freaks some of my fellow LDS members out.  But, although I may not agree with how some members of my church act or think, they have nothing to do with my relationship with God.  When I worship, it is about me and the Big Man Upstairs.  If you worship/don't worship I'm cool with that. Do yo thang girl....erm or boy.

I think I've rambled enough for an introduction post.

Peace homies.
