Tuesday, 1 January 2013

2013 Per Se

As I was driving home from my New Years Eve festivities, I started to mull over what I wanted to do in 2013 that I didn't do (slash didn't do well) in 2012.  Not really a list of resolutions per se, just a general lifestyle that I wanted to lead in the coming year.  So the thoughts just started to flow: gonna let it all hang out, wanna make some noise, really raise my voice, yeah I wanna scream and shout, no inhibitions  make no conditions, get a little out of line, I ain't gonna act politically correct, I only wanna have a good time. 

If you didn't gather, Shania Twain's Man, I Feel Like A Woman was playing low on my radio.  If by the fourth comma you weren't singing along or didn't hear the first 7 notes of the song, GET OUT. LEAVE. NEVER COME BACK TO THIS BLOG. 

Although it's an AWESOMELY silly song, the lyrics still ring true to what I want for 2013.  I stressed out wayyyyy too much in 2012, to the point where I really didn't enjoy it like I wanted to.  I was literally breaking out in stress hives late last spring because I mismanaged my stress.  Yeah, 2012 was not that great of a year for me.  BUT, I will not allow myself to have a repeat of the hot mess that was 2012. NOPE. I am taking charge of the new year and aspire to explore the plethora of possibilities that it could hold.

1. Blog.
As I've just started this, I suppose I should make a point to blog regularly.  A way I release stress and/or energy in general is by venting/talking about it.

2. Be More Selfish.
Again, another contributor to the stress/hot mess of 2012 was that  I was not selfish enough.  Its a weird thing to say, but honestly if I had taken better care of me first, I could have done much more to care for others around me.  I would much prefer to give people the ultra premium version of myself rather than some sub par, busted up, lost her damn mind version.  I need to continue to ask for help, reminding myself that I can't do it all on my own, I have not arrived, and humbling myself to the help of others will make my life easier.  I believe it is when we take a step back and go "Hey actually, I suck at this. But that's ok because so-and-so is great at this! I'll recognize my weakness and employ their strength."  we can get things done. In all, I will take better care of myself.

3. Be More Open and Honest
Although I think I was beginning to do this in 2012, I am going to make a better effort of this in 2013.  I tend to guard myself behind my sarcasm and dry humor.  For those who know me personally, you're probably saying "Be more honest? Wtf? She wasn't honest enough before?" I tend to say what I'm thinking, and avoid use of a filter. I am fully aware that I make some people uncomfortable (by some people I mean some Mormons) but being dishonest with who I am to please other people is simply not a trait I choose to live by. By being more open I want to allow myself to be more willing to learn from others.  I fully believe that we are  individually set in each others paths for a reason.  When I meet people I will be more open to finding the reason they are in my path. Whether you be a fabulous queen or a ratchet hoe, I will take notes.

4. DIY Projects
As promised, I will be sharing some of the DIY projects I have started already.  Being self sufficient is very important to me not only as an aspiring ecologist, but as a knowledge seeking human being.  Share with me some of your project ideas! Let's reuse, recycle, upcycle, and waste not in 2013.  I have pretty much stopped shopping at non-thrift and non-resale stores because A. I'm poor and B. I feel like I'm doing my planet a service by reusing and upcycling.   Share recipes too! I'll share some of mine and try to do a new recipe every month or so.

5. Meditate, Reflect, Pray
My final point, since I'm starting to ramble into the early morning of the first day of 2013..... I will try to go to bed with a less busy head.  By relieving and stripping myself of the day before climbing into my bed, I think I'll get a better nights sleep.  Search, ponder and pray are the things that I must do.  Making a point to pray is something I have to do.  No excuses.  I don't know if I'm quite ready to commit to nightly yoga, but maybe I can commit to it at least a few times a week.

The common theme is to kick stress in this ass this year. I am going to take this year to grow and continue to become a better version of myself.  Life is crazy.  I'm crazy.  That's ok right?


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